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鰺ケ沢町と西海岸のインバウンドモニターツアー2日目開催報告Ajigasawa Town and West Coast Inbound Monitor Tour Day 2 Report
初めて使う道具に戸惑いながら約30センチメートルの穴を掘り、ブナの苗木を植えた後、暑いので水をたっぷりかけて足で踏み固めました。最後は全員で記念のポーズです。フランス人のMargot LITZLERさんは飛行機のチケットがとれず一日早くフランスに戻りました。
On the second day, we planted four-year-old beech saplings at the Shirakami Nature School’s Yuujin-no-mori forest, as part of our participation in the Beech Forest Restoration and Regeneration Project, one of the nature conservation activities in the Shirakami Mountain Range. Bewildered by the tools that they were using for the first time, they dug a hole of about 30 centimeters, planted the beech saplings, and then, because it was hot, poured plenty of water on them and stomped on them with their feet. At the end, everyone posed together for a commemorative pose. Frenchman Margot Litzler returned to France a day early because she could not get a plane ticket.On the second day, we planted four-year-old beech saplings at the Shirakami Nature School’s Yuujin-no-mori forest, as part of our participation in the Beech Forest Restoration and Regeneration Project, one of the nature conservation activities in the Shirakami Mountain Range. Bewildered by the tools that they were using for the first time, they dug a hole of about 30 centimeters, planted the beech saplings, and then, because it was hot, poured plenty of water on them and stomped on them with their feet. At the end, everyone posed together for a commemorative pose. Frenchman Margot Litzler returned to France a day early because she could not get a plane ticket.
In the morning, we moved from Fukaura town to Ajigasawa town for tree planting and tasted a typical Ajigasawa town dish, “Donburi”, which is a bowl of rice topped with pickled flatfish. Fukaura town has a bowl of rice topped with maguste and Ajigasawa town has a bowl of rice topped with pickled flatfish. Both were satisfied with the specialty that they can offer because they can catch fresh fish. After that, they visited the sea station in Ajigasawa town, went around agricultural products and souvenir stores, and bought a pie made of apple and other products for their family in the country.
The sacred site in Hishoda, one of the 33 sacred sites of the Tsugaru Kannon, has 118 steps, and a shrine stands at the top of the steps. The participants climbed up the 118 steps with great difficulty. The sacred site is meant to be a place where one can get away from one’s normal life, and the number of steps, which were not usually climbed, may have accomplished the purpose.
This area is dedicated to Mitsunobu Oura, who built a castle in the Tanezato district to unify Tsugaru, and has been enshrined together and visited by successive generations of the Tsugaru family. Mr. Nara, who also serves as the chief priest of Shirohachimangu Shrine and Tanesato Hachimangu Shrine, told us that a horse is enshrined at the shrine to protect the warlord, and we listen to that story humbly. This was the end of the two-day monitoring tour. The participants also visited Goshogawara City’s Tachineputa and Hirosaki City’s Neputa, both of which are traditional summer festivals in Aomori. It was very impressive that they danced to the music of the wonderful festival and Goshogawara City’s Tachineputa. Everyone left Japan satisfied with this northern project. The Japanese youth were also overwhelmed by the Nebuta Festival. They continued their desire to get to know Japan by participating in the Awa Odori dance in Kyoto, Nara, and Tokushima Gen. In the end, they truly enjoyed Japan, and will become Japan lovers who will be sharing information on SNS and coming back to Japan as repeat visitors. Hirosaki Neputa
五所川原 立佞武多
Goshogawara Tachineputa
鰺ケ沢町と西海岸のインバウンドモニターツアー開催報告Ajigasawa Town and West Coast Inbound Monitor Tour Report
This time, we invited university and high school students from Italy, France, Taiwan, and Japan to experience active engagement and sustainable volunteer activities in the town of Ajigasawa, tourist attractions around the west coast, and Shirakami Sanchi (Mountains). The inbound visitors and the Japanese participants loved the Shirakami Mountains and Ajigasawa Town. Especially, they were very happy to be able to experience Japanese culture in Ajigasawa. Some of the participants said that they will visit Kyoto and Nara after the tour, and they were very impressed by the welcoming atmosphere in this small town. When it was time to say goodbye, they all hugged each other and said goodbye in front of JR Ajikazawa station. They said goodbye and promised that they would keep in touch when they come back to Japan again.
First we went to “Kato Fresh Fish Store”, a fish shop representing Ajigasawa town, to see fish from the Sea of Japan. They were surprised to see big fish and fish they saw for the first time, and asked about the names of fish and about the Shijimi clam in Lake Jusan.
They climbed up Mt. Tendo where they could overlook the port town of Ajigasawa, learned about the history of Mt. Tendo and Ajigasawa, and were impressed by the view of Mt. Tendo where they could even see Hokkaido and Oga Peninsula in Akita Prefecture on a fine day. They also learned about the history of Japan’s oceans, as well as the fact that there was a nightlight that served as a modern-day lighthouse to check the location of sailors in the old days.
They climbed up Mt. Tendo where they could overlook the port town of Ajigasawa, learned about the history of Mt. Tendo and Ajigasawa, and were impressed by the view of Mt. Tendo where they could even see Hokkaido and Oga Peninsula in Akita Prefecture on a fine day. They also learned about the history of Japan’s oceans, as well as the fact that there was a nightlight that served as a modern-day lighthouse to check the location of sailors in the old days.
鰺ケ沢町は京都・大阪方面から様々な物資や文化が運ばれてきた。また、北海道からこんぶやわかめ等が運ばれてきたが、京都の各宗派が多くお寺を構えた港町でもあり、そのお寺街が黒塀を残している。そのお寺の一つ、曹洞宗 高澤寺(こうたくじ)において、修行の一つである「禅体験」を体験した。
Ajigasawa town has brought various goods and culture from Kyoto and Osaka area. It was also a port town where many temples of various religious sects in Kyoto were located, and the black walls of the temple town are still there. At one of these temples, Koutakuji Temple of the Soto sect, I experienced Zen, a form of ascetic training. He also had the opportunity to enjoy a Japanese tea ceremony by the Urasenke school. The foreigners (Italian, French, Taiwanese, and Japanese university students) who participated in the tour were moved by the opportunity to experience representative Japanese culture in a small town in the north of Japan.
For lunch that day, we had a set meal of pickled tuna (daily set meal) at Michi no Ryokubu Fukaura. We tasted it while listening to a story about Fukaura Town having the largest catch of tuna in Japan. Anita, an Italian elementary school teacher, asked what the difference was between the tuna from Oma, which is famous, and the tuna from Fukaura. She was surprised to hear that the small tuna from Fukaura town moved to the Tsugaru Straits and the tuna that was caught in the currents of the Tsugaru Straits is the Oma tuna.
The last stop of the day’s monitoring tour was at Lake Juniko in Fukaura Town. The tour guide explained that the Twelve Lakes are caldera lakes created by an earthquake and landslide during the Edo period (1603-1868) and the origin of the name “Twelve Lakes. After that, he was very curious about the green color of the lake on the way to Aoike, and asked the guide why it was green. When I explained to him that this color was caused by the refraction of the sun’s rays and the water from deeper than groundwater, which is called subterranean water, he was impressed that it looked like a diamond.
イタリア人のAnita ARIOLAさんやフランス人のMargot LITZLERさんも、温泉は大丈夫といい入っていました。
The hotel for the day was the Fukaura Kanko Hotel. I had recommended taking an open-air bath while watching the sunset over the Sea of Japan, but there were too many flies in the water, so I could not enter. However, Mr. Shun from Taiwan said that Japanese hot springs are very pleasant. Anita Ariola from Italy and Margot Litzler from France also enjoyed the hot spring. The first day ended here and we went to bed.
白神アロマオンラインセミナー 活動報告
白神アロマオンライン講座 第1回『クレイ歯磨き』
1/26(水) 20:00〜
白神アロマオンライン講座 第2回『手指消毒液』
1/27(木) 20:00〜
白神クロモジ茶アレンジ活用オンライン講座 第1回『クロモジ飴』
1/28(金) 19:00〜
白神クロモジ茶アレンジ活用オンライン講座 第2回『クロモジ七味』
1/29(土) 17:00〜
白神アロマオンライン講座 第3回『クロモジ枝を使ったモチーフ』
1/30(日) 13:00〜
白神クロモジ茶アレンジ活用オンライン講座 第3回『クロモジ白玉』
1/30(日) 14:00~
韓日農大生交流と6次産業創業過程 日本研修